
Are you eight years old? Do you love to be in the water? The Bubblemaker Program is exactly what you’re looking for. Explore scuba diving in full scuba equipment under the direct supervision of your Sea Explorers Dive Professional. You will get a basic introduction into breathing underwater – how to do it and what not to do. You will blow your first bubbles through a regulator and in full gear, in water more shallow than 2 meters. An amazing experience!

Bubblemaker at Sea Explorers Philippines

bubble maker Adventures in Diving

Option A

  • Minimum 8 years old
  • Pool only, including diploma and decal
  • Max. Depth 2m
  • 2-3 hours
  • Parental approval required
  • No prior experience necessary

Option B

  • Minimum 8 years old
  • Pool & confined water, including diploma and decal
  • Max. Depth 2m
  • 1/2 day
  • Parental approval required
  • No prior experience necessary
Click for Price